Monday, June 10, 2013


Untitled? Yes. Because I don't know what title I should use. Tomorrow is big day! (start of school, again) and I feel like I'm not yet prepared for it. Projects, bunch of home works, recitations, quizzes, exams are waiting for me. NOOOOOOO! I'm gonna miss summer so much! Anyway, Since today's my last day of vacation I want to have my last vacation outfit post. If you may notice in the movies or someone you know, some universities and colleges in abroad don't have uniform which is really envious by the way. They get to wear whatever they want during school. Not that i don't like my school's uniform but I hope they will have wash day soon. Once a week will do :) So here's my outfit post :)

Fedora hat: Kultura
Top: Giordano
Mullet skirt: Betty (SM GTW)
Purse: SM Accessories
Rings: (L-R) Forever 21, Pinkbox

What do you think? :) I promise I'll try to blog more as long as I can during school days without interfering with my studies, of course. To all the students out there, Aja! Aja! Fighting! Do our best and God will do the rest! :)

I bought the top at Giordano in Hong Kong for $30HK = 150 php (What a steal, huh?)

Thanks to my ever supportive boyfriend for taking all the photos! :)


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